Green to Clean in 24 Hours

When pools start to open in the next month or so, you will undoubtedly be called upon to solve clarity and algae issues. There are many solutions you can offer, but only one company offers products that can truly be considered of diamond quality.
What is Yellow Out® and Green to Clean?
Yellow Out® and Green to Clean is a chemical breakthrough! When used along with EPA registered chlorine, Yellow Out® dissolves mustard, green, brown or pink algae.

Yellow Out….from Green to Clean in 24 hours!!!
The reaction on this video may differ from the results you see in your pool. Applications will vary slightly. The results of algae clean-up, however, will be the same if you follow our directions.
• NO Brushing Needed!
• NO Metals
• Safe for Vinyl Pools
• Safe for Pools with Salt Generators
• Patented Protected

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Here’s a video that a user uploaded to YouTube that shows how green a pool can be when opened.  There are a few things we’d recommend to prevent this.

  1. Winterize your pool properly, add the proper amount of chlorine and algaecide
  2. Invest in a SmartMesh Safety Cover which filters out nearly all the sunlight and debris
  3. When the water thaws in the spring, add a case of liquid chlorine under the cover to prevent algae growth.
  4. Close the pool late in the fall and open early in the spring.

Your pool doesn’t ever have to be this green. If it does happen to you, green to clean, or your local pool professional can help.