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Getting the Best Service for Your Pool

If you want exceptional pool service, become an exceptional pool customer.

Pool maintenance is incredibly important. Over the lifetime of a pool, there are plenty of things that will need tweaking and tightening, equipment to repair or replace, and basic maintenance to be done. Many homeowners try to “play the field” and look for the lowest prices on pool service. Then, when they are not satisfied with the company they hired, they will search out the next lowest price. They continue to float from company to company every time they need service. This ultimately sets a homeowner up for disappointment. You will be best served by a pool company who knows your pool and your needs, one you have a relationship with and who knows and cares about you and your pool.

Legendary Escapes’ service arm, Pietila Pools Services, is under a different name but the same faces. The same people field phone calls, make appointments, schedule and perform service. This will benefit you as the homeowner greatly in the long-run because we know the details of your pool. We love to service pools we’ve built, because we know all about them. We know exactly the equipment you have, the specs of your pool, any quirks it may have–details another company would have to find out before effectively servicing your pool. A personal relationship with a pool company benefits everyone involved.

Because the pool season is so short here in Michigan, swimming pool service companies are very busy all summer. Having a personal relationship with a pool company will benefit you here, too. When we have customers call to request service, we (like any other company) have a mental list of “preferred customers” who we know and interact with regularly. If we have been working with a customer from day one of pool planning and all the way through every service they have ever needed, of course we will try to get our service team out to them as soon as we can. This is because we know their pool, so it is generally easier to do the service they need, and because we know they are loyal to us and we want to thank them for that.

For chronic flip-floppers and company-hoppers, they will never experience this kind of personal relationship with a pool company. Because every pool company in the area is very busy all summer, they may experience frustrating long waits for service. This is because every company operates under the same principle of serving loyal customers first and getting other customers in as soon as they can around that. Then, when the company does find the time to get out to service the pool, they need to take the time to learn about the pool before much service can be done.

On another note, when it comes to price, the cheapest swimming pool service company is not necessarily the one you should choose. This is another big reason why company-hoppers often end up disappointed and have to continue to float between different companies. They rarely find a cheap service company they are satisfied with, so they are constantly in search of a new company. Often, you get what you pay for when it comes to service–like anything else in life. The cheapest companies will probably not provide the best results when it comes to your service.

Loyalty also pays off for both the swimming pool company and the customer. Most pool companies, especially those in Michigan, are seasonal businesses. To stay in business and to be able to service you year after year, revenue needs to remain strong. If you call around for the “cheapest” or best deal, your reputable pool company with great quality service, at a fair price, may not be the “cheapest”. If you want your company to be available to service you when you have a special need, you also need to call them for routine needs, and factor in the cost of doing business, instead of looking for the fly by night company who is here one day and gone the next. Loyalty helps to keep the company productive and in business for the long run.

Legendary Escapes is continually adding preferred customers to our list. If you would like to be added, we are just a phone call away.


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