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The World of Blogging in a trade business

As a lifelong student and worker in the swimming pool industry, I’ve always been amazed at how slow our industry embraces change. I recently presented a Social Media  keynote to a national pool distributors open house and was alarmed to find out how few swimming pool companies are embracing technology. The majority did not have websites and almost all had no idea what social media was. I asked them to describe for me their typical client and, of course, the answer was people with money who are technology literate!  What is missing here?

If we are to embrace change and make the pool business a place to be, we are going to have to get down to business and get with the program. I believe that all pool companies can gain from using a few simple internet tools.

1)  Have a non-static website

2) Blog your story! People care!!

3)Use LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook

If you are scared of it, have your children teach you how to do it! They know. Another tip would be to “Lean in to it”. You don’t have to learn it all in a day.

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