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When’s the best time to call your pool company?

Outdoor Adventure Pool by Legendary Escapes {LW} (533)The best time to call your pool company in Michigan is now. Sometimes, though, if now is the busiest part of opening season, you may be better off waiting until after the rush if you have a service request that is not time sensitive.

The best time to get a quote on a swimming pool in Michigan from your swimming pool builder in Michigan is anytime during the year. Most pool companies start planning in the fall for the spring projects, so if you are looking to swim early in the season, you want to reserve your spot now. Keep in mind that many things can affect spring construction, including the weather, ground conditions, frost laws, and the swimming pool builder’s schedule.

Remember, once you have a relationship with a pool company and they have become your service provider, you can call in anytime and usually be put on the top of the list.

To have a liner replacement in Michigan “best time to get quotes on pool” came up, which could be a great post about calling us early, in the spring, before we’re slammed with everyone who waited till the last minute. For quotes, sure, about liners, new pools, etc. But also for service–if you call early, we’ll have more time and be able to get out to see you quicker. How many times this summer have you said, “Where were you all in March?”

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